Saturday, April 23, 2011

Too Busy

I've been too busy to post lately. My new job takes a lot of time and energy and the move to our new "cabin in the woods" is still taking place.

But I manage to grab an hour or two now and then to ride these great roads out here.

Today's ride was terrific. The dogwoods are in bloom and the woods are beautiful. There was a bad storm last night and there was a lot of gravel and organic debris on the roads. Still, the most slippery thing on the road was painted the center lines. When those things are dirty and wet they are dangerously slick.

It's too hilly and rocky around here for row crops so most of the "farms" have horses and one has llamas. I keep scaring owls into flight during dalight hours. Owls won't let me get close to them when I'm on the Bonneville. If I approach a (presumably) sleeping owl, it takes flight to flee from me. The good part is that I get to see owls up close as I pass them.

What's with the birds? First it was the dive-bombing goose and now it's cowardly owls.

Things will settle down in a month or so and I'll start posting photos again.